Monday, August 17, 2009

Renata Bucher 2009

It's a rare and great opportunity when you get to work with one of the world's best, and I have been given such with Renata Bucher. Renata is one of the most dominant females XTERRA has ever seen. This year, we have seen a lot of great results working together, and my hope is to continue it.

This past weekend she won XTERRA Germany, (pictured). It got me thinking about everything we've accomplished this year so far. Here are just the victories we've accomplished this year together:

Portobelo International Champion
SuperFrog Half-Ironman Champion
XTERRA Saipan Champion
Tagaman Triathlon Champion
XTERRA Italy Champion
XTERRA Vermont Champion
XTERRA Malaysia Champion
XTERRA Germany Champion

For her career, she now has 19 XTERRA Championship victories, in 11 different countries.

Congratulations Renata. You are tenaciously competitive, and a fighter. It's what your competition fears most about you. Hopefully we can add Maui to this list sometime soon.

Coach Vance

1 comment:

Swim Coach Finder said...

Congrats to the both of you! What an amazing feat and accomplishment!